DOP out today
Oh sweet lordy me. Can I count the ways of how jealous I am. When you have a buddy from college that's really having a go at it in the music industry and things begin to look promising, you start to ask yourself questions about your current state of affairs.
But enough about me....
Dirty on Purpose is releasing their album, "Hallelujah Sirens," today. Go get yourself a copy at the following locations:
North Street Record
Other Music
The 'Fork gave this one a pretty darn good review. While many have had bad experiences with Pitchfork (I was sorely upset at their Diamond Nights and Sun Kil Moon review), you can't deny that their opinion does mean something to all us music lovers.
Some of you may remember this group from their performance up here during the NEMO festival (My post during this occasion). Unfortunately I'm an idiot and decided to partake in an activity that is currently not the norm for me in these post college years and ended up missing most of the show do to my tired eyes (hint hint). But if there is a dreamy, no wait I hate that description, more like euphoric indie rock band experience that you need to check out, it's most definitley Dirty on Purpose. They make great music and another great thing, they're a nice group of brooklynites. Their record label is pretty cool too, I guess (my jealousy coming out in that remark).
Be DOP's friend on myspace and listen to some of the new tunes off of "Hallelujah Sirens".
AND GO SEE THEM LIVE (if you live in boston) AT GREAT SCOTT ON SATURDYAY, JULY 8TH. Which is bunk because I will be down in their neck of the woods for a wedding. A freakin wedding, which will be a blast, but man, what timing.
gonna have to go give me a listen for sure..
p'fork is so pretentious..but I read em every effing day.
Posted by March2theSea | 4:09 PM
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