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Thursday, April 06, 2006 

Hey brick, where's this short cut you were talking about? Fantastic.

The Flaming Lips - At War With The Mystics

I guess I can agree to some extent with the other critics about the new Flaming Lips album. The songs do seem a bit eratic and jaunty. The beats are bit all over the place, not that other Lips albums don't have similar characterstics it's just that this one seemed a bit more so then others. But there are several moments on this album that I enjoy. For one, I think the first few songs really flow quite well. In fact, I can see these songs being amazin live. Especially "The Wizard Turns On..." and "It Overtakes Me/The Stars Are So Big, I Am So Small...Do I Stand A Chance?". The bass in "It Overtakes Me..." is phenomenal. I can just see the bass speakers on an amp vibrating a room apart.

But maybe that's my appeal to this album, I'm a live music freak.

Since I don't think you can really judge this new album with out listening to the whole thing, I'm kind of reluctant to post a song. But, well, what the heck, here's one of my favorites.

Pompeii Am Gotterdammerung

Read the reviews that didn't care as much for the album:

Stylus Magazine
Pop Matters

Elliot The Letter Ostrich - Blood Cope

If you're a fan of the classic horror flicks, and I don't mean movies like Psycho, I'm talking about Freddy Crouger and Jason, then you'll love Elliot The Letter Ostrich. Jhohn casio and airon bloodbeard (no, I'm not miss spelling their names) have some brought together the weirdness of those horror films, the sounds of the 80's those movies came out of, ultra poppy rythms and drum machine beats together to make one hell of an album. I've been listening to Blood Cope for a little over 3 weeks now in my car and I can't seem to take it out. It has really grown on me. Yes, it's a bit amaturish (is that a word?) and there are one or two songs that are just screaming "god, we really just needed another song to throw on this album". For example, "Do The Reign in Blood", is pretty much a throw together. But to not take too much away from the song, it does have some hints of The White Stripes. Especially the vocals. I can just picture Jack singing this one with Meghan going town behind him.

Well, I recommend you head over to their myspace to give them a listen. Below is the best song that I think wraps the whole album up in one - weird creepy indie pop.

My Baroness

And this is by far their best showing - check out the Friday the 13th Jason referrence in the beat (shhh haaa shhhh haaaa shhh). Not sure if that's how you spell out the sound they make or not but I think you'll understand when you hear the track what I'm talking about.

Out Come The Vampires

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  • I'm Lucas "Kip" Owen
  • From Boston, MA
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